My Girlfriend is shaming me for being attracted to Metal Sonic. What quote should I use in response ?
Make the comment section look like Talions search history
What do you guys think of the Shadow the hedgehog game?
i’m so done bro
Which characters do you think would make for good skins for the DBD X FNAF Collab? (A few ideas I had are listed)
I'm excited Fortnite
Are there any mods that stop Talion's default armour and weapons from changing appearance?
A boy can only dream, who are you still waiting for to be added?
It's been fun while it lasted. We'll miss you, Multiversus. It's time for me to go.
Custom Sonic Figure
Sonic: SHUT UP, TAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Made a Ferrotaxis to go a long with Nova and Megatron!
Fat Maykr seems like a nice guy
What do you think was the reason why Doomslayer changed his armor from Doom Dark Ages to Doom 2016?
Yk what, it’s my turn to do one of these. Give me one of you best DMC headcanons.
For those who mod dmc, do you ever mix mods together?
What was your reactions when you saw these?
Say ONE nice thing about this anime!
Where the F@~# was he during the pilot episode of Digital Circus?
What are some wild picks you have for future survivors?
What is the best way to level up the Merchant Alliance?
Gonna be chilling with the Silksong bros for their game being delayed again, let me know when Reactivate and the Activision games get news.
I need to draw more of this dude, I don't have a picture of him so let me improvise
If I wanted to buy this figure, and make it so he wears his iconic gloves and red shoes, what figure would you recommend to replace the essential parts that isn't too costly?