AIW for telling my neighbor I won’t be calling the cops if I see people breaking into their home?
I fell into a terrible fever after reading a terrible manga and throwing a fit because of how bad it was
AITA for dropping my trans friend after he touched me?
AITA for kicking people out of my house when they were being disrespectful to my dog.
UPDATE TO AITAH for thinking of leaving my boyfriend because his behavior has gotten worse after the birth of our daughter?
am I wrong for asking my brother if his views about women and gay people extend to me?
And I thought it was just the scar.
AITAH for throwing my husband's past affair in his face after he accused me of cheating?
AITA for choosing not to continue working with my cleaning lady after she took advantage of me?
Honestly I payed more attention to Momo than Sokka in that scene 😭
I disagree. Actually, Leaves From the Vine hurts me a lot, because this song was sang by Mako (Uncle Iroh's voice actor). Mako was dying of cancer and he knew it. Mako sang it to himself.
AITA for blocking my auntie from every social media when she treated me bad?
Am I the asshole for telling my husband he can use my PlayStation but then telling him he can’t delete my games.
WIBTA if I took my siblings away from my parents?
AITAH for wanting to leave my fiancé because he lies about his job?
What else they could have said here: Aang: "What happened!?" Toph: "Nothing." Aang: "I just saw you pushing them off the roof." Toph: "Really? I didnt see anything."
WIBTA for telling off a friend and cancelling a project I agreed to?
Aita for showing my sister the same amount of care she showed me when my ex boyfriend turned out abusive?
I told my brother he can't bring his hyperactive son to my house anymore, and now my whole family thinks I'm the villain. Am I wrong?"
How do I tell my friends to stop talking about my sex life (or lack of)
Korra walked so Luz could run
UPDATE 3: AITA for suing my brother over a family heirloom he gave to his fiancée?
I (29M) gave my GF (30F) my Amazon password so that she could order something. Shortly after, she was questioning purchases I made back in 2021. Is it normal that this feels off to me?
AITAH for refusing to pay for a bachelorette party??
How do I cope with realizing that some people will pointlessly suffer their entire lives until they die? Not everybody has a comeback story :(