One more about EQ mode: using an EQ mount instead a wedge
Are junk cameras in japan worth a try ?
Memories issue
Opensource alternative to files
Why is Dragon's nosecone angled like that?
How often do you click on this little bugger?
I bought some thermal paste online, WHY DID IT COME WITH A CONDOM
My 95-year-old grandad, Douglas Cook, playing Debussy’s Clair de Lune. A lifetime of music in his hands.
Un posible tratamiento para la trisomía del cromosoma 21 (Síndrome de Down)
What prompt can I use in ChatGPT to create cards from a text with results similar to AI Cards in RemNote?
M42, aka NGC 1976
requirements.txt error
How Newton discovered gravity
And now, I am stuck brutally
First print in over a decade (plus question)!
How do they get in a car🤣
Battle of the hahahas
Night sky in my Backyard. How many Constellations can you identify?
Who’s using a dew shield ?
Weird digital artifacts on my images
Do cheap point & shoot cameras change in photo outcome over time?
Film shields 1-10
The Rosette Nebula - 10 Hours of Integration
Seestar S50 Cleaning
Does anyone else get a lot of failed stacks?