Is this the Tigrayan Anthem?
"Women just want to be kidnapped and raped" Isnt it logical to legalize it? - The Hellenist
"Women want to be kidnapped and raped" Why not legalize kidnapping and rape? -The Hellenist
"We will reclaim Assab port by all means necessary" Why are Ethiopians obsessed with Assab ?
Just A normal day in Asmara, the most beautiful city in Africa
Test your knowledge
Conor McGregor thinks the Gaza Genocide is a "complex issue" and he's not sure there is a "moral high ground anymore"
Indians, STOP immigrating to the West. Indians stay in India🇮🇳🇮🇳
The Murder of Anand Ramdin
Why do posts about real life issues in Somalia gain no traction on here but Useless topics do?
Andrew Tate claimed he "was very close" to a kickboxing fight with Alex Pereira.....
Ari Emanual's brother plans to run for president in 2028 🤯
Conor "The Notorious Cokehead" McGregor via IG
Proof again it's all about looks, he's literally disgusted. (Married at first sight)
What do you think happens to Eritrea when Isias Afwerki dies? Possible scenarios...
Ankalaev wins against Pereira and The MMA Guru erupts into a racist vile islamaphobic meltdown!
I really want to stop caring about racism against us . I need tips
Self hating Indians
Do you think India can ever overtake China?
"Indians are their own worst enemies" thoughts?
The problem with India is "biogenetic and climate"
Seeking UK participants for finasteride article
Hear me out pls (18 years old) desperately need input and help.
Hallucinations after taking 2 pills of good quality Lion's Mane (together with antidepressant - Mirtazapine)
There is absolutely no way Mark Tibbs (trainer of Conor Benn) didn't know Conor Benn was on the Juice! 💉🥊