My trick or treaters from Halloween 3 season of the witch
This coffee cake is the first cake I have ever baked 🥹
Last one shipped
I will not let anyone forget this masterpiece of a video game
Easy mode with no remorse.🥹🎮
Who is more evil?
In a predicament with two family cars I could potentially own in the future
What my Dad calls the Bench of Depression
Has anyone ever tried a “One of everything”?
Characters who told someone to kill themselves
What’s your thoughts on Terrifier (2016) ?
Is this good or a trap?
Post something Extinct from your childhood burned into your brain
the ending suddenly goes against everything set up in the story
Loki or President Loki? (Which one should i get?)
(Hated Trope) When Characters are made dumb / dumber for the sake of comedy and laughs
I like John Walker and he didn't deserve to be treated like this, he was literally a victim
Mausoleum (1983) Sanford & Son's Aunt Esther, legendary comedian LaWanda Page, steals the entire film in just a few minutes with one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a horror movie
The descent of Spaceship Earth (1994 - 2007)
The Wasp Woman (1995). Corman produced remake of his own movie for Showtime, directed by Jim Wynorski. Jennifer Rubin uses wasp goo to become 7% hotter but it also turns her into a giant wasp lady that kills people.
One line that best captures a character. Day 1: Mose
"Eyes of Ibad" swap-in spice eyes, and they can roll too!
Planning a trip to Disneyworld, any advice/tips?
Can we take a moment to appreciate the homecoming enemy and boss design