What makes you love Purdue
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
How hard will it be for 15+ years in IT/CS, family of 6, wanting to move to Europe.
Is my laptop about to catch on fire
International Transfer
Fastest way to exit U.S with STEM degree?
IL : *** In case you missed it, Spotify now has Andrew Tate "pimping hoes degrees" course including info on trafficking women. I've closed my Spotify as of right now. Here's how you can as well***:
Has anyone successfully used Graduate school as mode of entry?
Going to Purdue any weird stuff going on?
Toe Curling Pizza Recs
Are there anyone have notification back about regular decision from Purdue
Childhood/fav place in vegas
[How much a language like french help in the cv of a computer engineer]?[student]
How to get original enrollment letter?
Recommendations for E Notetaking on Android Platforms?
That's a lot of money
Uruguay, South Korea, Elsewhere?
Is it common for U.S. citizens to relocate to a different state from where they were born?
Countries with the best animation/video game-related jobs
Ireland Critical Skills Visa
this is my current plan as a 16 year old trans girl, does anyone have any tips or other ideas?
Regular Decision day
Short notice interview room
Roomate nightmare please help!