Llevo casi 100 dias seguidos, seguro que a Musk le gusta.
Me acusan de un golpe que no di? Necesito opiniones
A weird experience at the airport highway
thoughts on this paint being on this f40
First time doing brakes, that’s not supposed to wobble is it?
Que ves tu ??
auto start-stop is the single most annoying stupid modern car feature
My collection.
Camshaft wear
alguna forma de ganar en el casino online o es imposible ? (solo curiosidad se q esta mal)
¿Cuándo os sacasteis el carnet de conducir?
Straight banana
Embalaje del güeno
Mixed Coca Cola with wine and it tastes amazing
Estafa a mi madre
Dentist scam?
Accident with a speed radar.
Choque con un radar de velocidad. Francia.
Maybe maybe maybe
Stop to bother a bull
This truck drives sideways and straight at the same time.
This is what my anti-fog mirror looks like (and me hiding in the fog)
My wife and I have decided we don't want children.
Nota simple