People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Anyone want to do some trading
Do any of you have a stair master? Recommendations?
Hidden gems
Will give my soul for merch mania 🤣 I have these if anyone wants to do some trading
Looking to trade for Merch Mania and American Tycoon. This is what I have
Looking to trade fourth wall
Garmin watch vs Apple
Looking to trade each Dye Design for 2 of my missing stickers
1000 VA Employees Let Go
Sharing knowledge for palette pals, wall o fame, or admiration?
Steakhouse in Las Cruces?
Best renting companies
Anyone want to trade Local Art for Gallery Spree?
Want to trade? Trying to close some albums because I am so close on the partners event lol
Who of you had no idea and now has a “good boy/girl”?
Looking for old tales and Mr Aphrodite.
Anyone want to do some trading?
I am balding since I’m 14y/o
Window Tint/Cops
Epic 1
F/32/5’7” [205lbs > 133lbs =72lbs] (7 years) Body fat now 17% - my new low!
F/38/5'5 [158lbs > 140lbs] (5 months) 14lbs lost. Doesn't look much different?
Day 1 (L) vs Day 12 (R) Update