Anything I can do to improve my building skills?
Converting villages is my new obsession
With or Without Shaders
Just a small Snow side residence I built
What's this violin piece from this speech. I would want to use it for a video but I've been searching for hours on end and returned with nothing but the dull nothingness void of the piece I wanted to seek.
It's been a while (👍👍)
Smells like Bapis
The Legend of Zelda: Booty of the Wild
sonic and the black booty
Who is this guy (wrong ansers only)
What is your favorite gen 8 Pokemon
Thomas & Friends Christmas Scenery In Minecraft!
2 Trees, 4 Seasons
Marble Statue
I made this cool floating tower! what do you think? :D
seriously if i have two games to reccomand to get into pokemon it'd be emerald and ROSA
Tell me the worst thing you have done. I’ll go first, I kicked shiny Diglett and Rhyhorn when I first started playing Pokémon.
Mitochondria explained in minecraft
Don't you love turtles especially ones with dapper hats?
Abondoned steampunk tower I made awhile back. Sooo what do y'all think of it?
I confess, I'm addicted to froglights and spruce trapdoors for underground base.
Survival Castle
Im experimenting with this new corner technique for this Flower shop I made, what do yall think?
What do Y'all think about this one?
Made this In Minecraft PE, The cliff is hand built but there is no Interior. Any Suggestions?