#1 Lowest Volume for the past year today. 1.9M
"glitches" on $SPX
GME Swaps Expirations By Date (📅👀)
Day 666: The DTCC has their own Twitter account. I choose to politely ask them questions every day until I get a public response.
Europoor buying $50 worth of GME every month for 4 years
What’s an Exit Strategy?
I’ve never played MTG but someone recently left 11 copies of “Pride Guardian” at our office and didn’t mention it.
FU Pay Up! [OCC]
Saw this funny card and it got me thinking… 10 blue phyrexian mana is too much for me to play, but how low would it have to be dropped before you put it in your decks? I think I’d do 4…
Why is this still impossible if our amazing leader RC knows his company has been shorted into oblivion?...been 3+ years...
Commander is a singleton format, unless youre using a precon
How Short Interest and Failures-to-Deliver Allow Naked Shorting to be Hidden Through the Clever Use of ETFs
consistently dropping by $1 per day to land on even numbers that definitely seems odd.
Ftd error countdown
On my way to 2xxx
Kansas City Shuffle?
Evelyn the Covetous cEDH viable?
Today, Computershare recurring buys will be purchased in the open market between 10:45-11:15 EST. This will result in about $500k worth of quick buy pressure. Being OPEX, I expect the buys to be rapidly price suppressed. Let’s wait and see.
A Brief History of GameStop: From meme to MOASS
Why does it feel like a monday in here? Strong vibes
Do i go to far if i make this in my drive range? My neighboor is the local airport
looking for the DFV long meme string
How's your balance, Kenny Boy?
⚠️ Updates pertaining to The Big DD ⚠️ + showing you that Monday's GME run was Boofing 🍌
New RC photo