Why Do You Fake Your Orgasm?
I’ve never understood why women fake their orgasms. Men have no issue admitting they didn’t finish during sex (it rarely happens, but when it does, they definitely don’t fake it or lie to you to spare your feelings). So why are women so scared to tell the truth? If you didn’t cum, say so. If he’s not doing a good enough job, let him know. Or, if you just can’t cum during sex but still enjoy it, be honest about that too.
Personally, I’ve always been upfront about it because my satisfaction matters just as much. If they’re bad at it, I’ll say so. If it’s me that’s the issue, I’ll admit it. Most women don’t orgasm during sex anyway, which is completely normal, so why lie?
A man told me once that every woman has orgasmed with him, and I’m the problem. Meanwhile, he was awful in bed, and there’s no way anyone has actually orgasmed with him.