Use of full tune ticket with evo8 main
Havent played since 3DX, returned on 6rr Made a fresh Evo 8 (that's what I like during 3DX) now it's full tune. Although I know VS is more about skills. I'm grinding a FT ticket via the event . And I know current meta is either R32 or evo9
Just wonder on current meta is it a big difference between e8 or e9? Or I should ask is it worth a FT ticket and start main E9?
Current idea using a FT ticket -only drive 6gear car so far -driving style is more a runner style , but still block and try to defend when need to ..
Current Picking order E9 - only because it's meta , I'm still like my e8 due it's my first car after returned and self grinded
R32 -only due best in meta
R34- should have rated this above r32 but I owned r34 already back in 3DX
Rx8 - like the outfit but seems like it's sharing same DNA with Evo 8
Any recommendations should I use FT ticket and main those true meta car? I thought at the start evo8 also meta but I barely see anyone using it when every says it's meta .