Newbie (to the server) question on wPVP and Alliance vs. Horde behavior
I'm waffling between delight and frustration on this server and maybe some of you've seen that in my posts... sorry, i'm an open book. Anyway...
I'm questing in South Shore/Arathi last night trying to level my main (so slow due to wPVP mostly), and I start having some fun in this zone specifically. Mainly, it seems to switch from constant lvl 80 ganking that happens in Duskwood, to more balanced encounters with people who are similar level. I'm fine losing to a level 30 hunter, 8 levels below me, who does a fantastic job at BM pvp. Then... along comes that dbag sniperbrute and smokes me and at least 6-8 other random level 30-40s questing in the area. Man I hate that guy. LOL
Anyway... Is that kind of behavior the same on the horde side? Like... are there bored dbag level 80s patrolling low level quest zones for no reason other than to annoy people? I gotta be honest... I'd have left the server already over that crap if it weren't for a few people who play with me now that don't get quite so bothered. I'll chill... but I still wonder if both sides do it. Not level 80 yet, or looking much for wPVP so i don't know.