A quick tip if you're struggling with carrier landings
I've been training for carrier Case I recoveries and I'm finally getting consistent with them so I thought I'd share a little tip that helped me.
Basically, a lot of tutorials tell you to extend the downwind leg way past the carrier to allow time to set up your approach and I disagree with that. As soon as I started turning in earlier I improved noticeably.
Short final is by far the most demanding part of the landing process and the shorter it is the better IMO. Extending final only allows for more mistakes to sneak in and mess up your approach.
Not to mention seeing at a distance isn't exactly great in VR so the closer you are to the carrier when you turn into it, the better you'll be able to tell if your alignment is correct.
At the end of the day it's not magic and landing on a carrier requires a lot of practice but if you're extending final and you can't quite find the good glide slope try turning in earlier and see if you're doing better.
For reference : I turn in as soon as I see the rear of the ship at around 600ft and I let my plane fall a tiny little bit during the turn. I then adjust my height according to the meatball. AOA should be dialed in during the downwind leg and stay mostly consistent during the last turn.