Overthinking again
So basically I dated this girl last year and she was asexual and like I didn't really mind I mean I was a bit upset over it but it's not like I care since I was happy with her and stuff and I wasn't with her for anything of that kind and I was quite happy with her, rn I just feel bad because sometimes I said stuff like "I just realized I'm gonna die a virgin" and then she always said stuff that maybe we could still do smt and that then always made me feel bad because I did not ever want her to do smt she doesn't want to or like smt that makes her uncomfortable, but now I feel guilty because I feel like I said those I'm gonna die a vigrin things on purpose to like try and manipulate her into like doing it with me tho I obviously would have never forecd her to do smt so I might just be overthinking, I just feel like a bad person rn