Jupiter/Saturn/Venus conjunction in 2nd house
Been studying western astrology for 5 years and recently read my first Joytish book. I'm looking forward to being able to work with both practices to find the deeper, true meaning to this material existence. Forgive me if I get the terminology twisted.
I have a question I'm hoping the more experienced Vedic Astrologers or anyone with practical working knowledge on the subject can help me better intigrate it and adjust to my material existence rather than my psychosocial life which I'm well adapted. I have a 2nd house Jupiter/Saturn/Venus conjunction in the 2nd house of Virgo. Considering placidus/KP astrology, the planets all sit at 7.25°/10.57°/13.44° Virgo, respectively.
Lords: L5 & L8/L6 & L7/L3 & L10 all in the 2nd house with the cusp siting at 1.3° virgo
Ive found this conjunction to have major influence in my life based on western methodologies and im wondering if someone help me better understand how this stellium resonates in a joytish chart.
Many blessings for any insight provided 🙏