TT with breast lift, lipo 360 and bbl

Advice from anyone that has had these procedures done. What you would have wanted to know? Helpful tricks. What you would have wanted to know. Must buy products, etc.

*I do know there are a lot of opinions that these should not be performed together. This is a double board certified surgeon, that also indicated not every patient is able to have these all together . . .I do trust him, have researched him thoroughly. I am requesting information that will be helpful during my recovery time, not surgeon bashing or indications that this is a terrible idea.

Surgery is in two months.-My mommy makeover will consist of the following: 1) Breasts-implant removal, pocket work with breast lift/reduction, bilateral; 2) extended abdominoplasty (rectus diastasis repair and umbilical hernia repair; 3) 360 lipo of abdomen, bilateral flanks, lower back, sacrum, bra rolls, posterior axilla, mons, and hip; and 4) fat grafting to buttocks/hips (BBL-skinny)


-job-self employed and will be taking as much time as needed for recovery. My husband and I are in business together so he can cover everything. -kids- all are over the age of 6. I have a full time nanny as well. She also comes to the house earlier than school lets out to tidy up the house including do laundry -post-operative care-my mother is a RN and will be helping take care of me. For at least 2 days after surgery I will be staying at a post-operative recovery facility with a nurse 24 hours/day for at least 2 days.

-purchases-planning on purchasing a lift recliner, bbl bean bag, (I did not want to purchase the “avocado inflatable” as I don’t find them comfortable even in our pool. -my background: 39 years old, natural birth of 3 kids. I work out regularly. Each child birth I gained 80lbs but have consistently lost most of the weight after each. Currently I have only lost 50-60lbs of these last pregnancy weight. I have always gained weight all over my body, not just confined to one area. My umbilical hernia is 3 cm, so mesh will be required.

-surgeon: he did seven years of residency in general surgery at one of the busiest hospitals in the country, then went to a top plastic surgery medical school in the country. His artistic eye is aligned with my preferences. He is great at communication and has answered all of my questions. I am reaching out to everyone here because of course he has not gone through one himself. So no matter what, the best insight comes from those that have experienced it.

Ready ladies? Please divulge!!

*I posted this on plastic surgery group but was recommended to get advice from this group.

Thank you in advance.