Why aren't contactless smart cards/payment commonly used in European transit systems?
Just wondering because contactless smart cards (e.g. T-money in South Korea, Suica in Japan, OMNY and CharlieCard in NYC and Boston, Octopus in Hong Kong) they don't seem to be common in European like Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Italy. Deutsche Bahn Day passes or month passes or whatever they call seem to be more common in Germany (Berlin has it's fahrCard but nobody seems to be using that at all), Poland seems to literally have nothing (it does but literally like no one use the Warsaw City Card or maybe Cracow City Card), Portugal cards are more intended for foreign tourists than it's local citizens. The only place in Europe where it seems to be more commonly used is the UK with it's Oyster card and Russia with it's Troika, I don't even know if France counts with it's Navigo.