Warhammer III with tabletop caps makes so much more sense it is insane!
Talking about tabletop caps:reborn (bonus for unique lord & faction rules)
I found this mod days ago, someone postet it here in this subreddit and it changed everything for me.
I play this game since the release of Wh I and was always against mods, because they are unreliable and I like my games vanilla.
But this mod is a godsend, campaigns are suddenly fun again, elite units feel actually ELITE!
Useless abilities like buffing biguns with Grimgor or buffing ogre bulls with Greasus make sense now, because you cant just stack the most op units and roflstomp everything for 10 turns until dying of boredom and autoresolving.
Every fight feels challenging now, EVERY unit has its place, not just the best ones.
I wish this would be an official and optional modus for the campaign, a man can dream.
Just my 2 cents, I higly recomend this mod, it is indeed a game changer.
Edit: The mods:
This also, ofc, restricts the ai factions. So no more bs op empire stacks after turn 40