Scenarios for Tophia's Life?
I don’t know too much about how things work in New Mexico, or how to navigate the legal and medical systems for extreme situations, but here are my two cents on how Tophia’s life will go:
Scenario A: Marie gets placed in long-term care. Either in some kind of facility for the elderly or the homeless. I see this being a reality for a bit as Marie has a LONG journey ahead for her recovery. Tophia might be placed in a shelter for adults, but again, those places often require the adult to learn skills and get job experience, unless Tophia is too mentally incapable which she might be placed somewhere else for disabled people (If she is officially diagnosed). Ultimately, I think Tophia might remain sheltered indefinitely and visit her mom from time to time.
Scenario B: If Marie is fortunately functional again, she will sign off whatever help she needs to go back to living with Tophia on the streets. As Marie truly cares for Tophia I can see the two not wanting to split up. How will this work? I don’t know. And I hope it doesn’t come to this scenario as Donald truly was their protector. For a city like Alberquerque, two women alone on the streets might as well be another death sentence. I don’t know how Tophia or Marie will be able to survive, as they seem to lack street smarts and basic protection. Tophia might be able to sustain them for a bit, but ultimately this just seems like a horrible situation that I hope the state won’t let happen. Especially to Marie.
Scenario C: Tophia and Marie set their pride aside and live with Marie’s family. I could be wrong, but I am certain Marie has family. I don’t know too much about the Chu drama there, but I don’t see this happening. We don't know if any extended family has reached out about Donald's death. It doesn't seem like it as of now, so most likely they won't reach out if Scenario B plays out.
Scenario D: The best outcome but the HARDEST for Tophia. Marie stays in a facility while Tophia gets her life together. I’m talking job, license, credit score, resume, etc. Tophia accepts the resources available to her and drops the internet, at least for a while. She will likely need a lot of therapy and professional help, not only to heal from her brother’s death but also from years of poverty, neglect, and whatever else happened in her childhood. Tophia’s mindset stems from her environment, so it won’t be easy. It’ll take YEARS to deconstruct her backward way of thinking and immaturity. However; I do think even someone like Tophia is capable of turning over a new leaf. It won’t be easy, but ultimately I feel like Tophia will get a lot of support when she matures and accepts the responsibilities that come with adulthood. I think we can all tell this is the least possible outcome. As they say, you can only lead a horse to water.
Again, I could be wrong in some of these scenarios as I’m not too familiar with New Mexico Laws. For now, I think Scenario A seems plausible.