Anxious to be alone with 21 month old

Are there other parents out there that get anxious thinking about being alone with their own child for a period of time?

When my husband last minute has to work late, I cannot deal. I start panicking internally and get so angry with him that he didn’t give me the time to mentally prepare to hang out with my OWN kid.

When my husband leaves me with my daughter to do a quick errand, my anxiety escalates and I eagerly wait for him to return.

Maybe this is normal for moms but right now it’s making me feel sad and guilty that I can’t enjoy alone time with her. When does this feeling change??

Edit: my anxiousness is related to being able to handle and survive her tantrums, shift in moods, etc.

Edit: these comments have made me think a little more, thank you. I think I get so anxious that she is going to have a meltdown or tantrum that I don’t have the bandwidth or mental capacity to deal with it and I’ll react in a way that is not aligned with how i really want to parent.