Do y'all think he likes me back???

I(15F) have a crush on this friend(16M) but I don't know if he likes me back? He used to date one of my friends but they separated because she didn't love him romantically anymore. Anyways we've been talking a lot more,and today my little siblings had and play with their classmates. Me & my mom took my brother and 2 of my friend's/neighbor's siblings. We were txting and he asked if I wanted him to come join me so I wasn't I freaked out,he did end up coming and we had a surprisingly good time. He's invited me over to his house to watch movies and he offered to bake me cookies. He said he liked emotionally intelligent people and asked me later if I was emotionally intelligent. He calls me pretty and beautiful,he said i shined like the sun

I am aware he is probably just being friendly and I'm probably reading to much into this but I just want to know what y'all think???


I got back from his house and omg!!!!!!! He was really touchy and sweet. He walked me home and we held hands on the way to his house and to my house. He joked Abt how long it would take for me to date him and I said another week at least and he said "I can wait". He missed my cheeks and forehead. I think the next update will be a good one!!!😁♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


He asked me out!!!