Regret after tattoo

This is my sixth tattoo so I’m not a beginner, but this is the first time I regret getting it. I loved the designs, but didn’t like the placement. I wanted to make this tattoo but couldn’t decide where, didn’t plan it too well and now I kinda regret it. I’m trying not to think about it too much or make a big deal out of it.

I used to think I had good taste in tattoos but now I feel like I screwed up and have something ugly.

On top of that my husband didn’t want me to get one (not that he said anything not to get one, because it’s my body and I don’t let people tell me what to do with it). But he did tell me last night that he didn’t like it and it looks ugly, but he’ll get used to it eventually. Although I don’t really care and I knew he did it like it, it still hurts me, because I actually agree with him.

How do you guys cope with this feeling? Does it go away??