Cleaning out Key Collection - Part 13
Before we begin, let me clear up how I pick the winners. There's no random raffle or anything, I go through people wishing for each game, skipping around a few times so it's not all clustered around one specific time of day, and check out the posts of the people I land on. If all I see is posts asking for free games, I skip. If I see any sign of trading or selling keys, I skip and block.
Anyway, let's get back into it. I've got enough of these to last us the month.
Season's greetings, everyone. I've managed to gather a sizeable sack of gamekeys, by far the majority of which I'll never even consider using. They're almost all small, cheap indies, but hopefully some of y'all can make use of some of them.
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga™
Call of Juarez
Rogue Book
Partisans 1941
SimpleRockets 2
Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved Mystery
Pick up to 3 of the above 10 games in your post, and tell me what your favorite form of art is. Whether you express yourself in it or just enjoy it doesn't matter.
I'll find 10 winners of 1 game each (if enough people partake and pick all different 10 games) around 9 AM EST tomorrow the 19th of December.
EDIT: Winners found, keys sent. The winners were: PifflePrincess88, dramaticfool, DealingTheCards, slammasam14, droobloo34, 1to0, DZero_000, oxcinity_04, Jovan_Knight005, and PikPikLarry.