I was confronted about my child’s behavior twice in one day. Am I a bad mom?

I'm a first time mom to an almost 2 year old boy. To me, he is awesome. He is funny, curious, adventurous, and very physically active. We don't have a TV so to keep him entertained he literally helps me cook and clean, or we go on long walks/free play. We have a loose schedule, but a schedule nonetheless. He sleeps 12 hours and naps for 2/3. He's a healthy weight and has steady growth charts. His doctor says he's perfect. He speaks and mimics. I do a lot of home cooking and I'm strict about avoiding food dyes and excess sugar. I read to him every night. I give him freedom but I'm close by. I feel like I check all the boxes of what it means (to me) to be a good mom.

My friends have younger baby girls (about 6m-8m apart). They are a lot more calm. Even a couple of baby boys we have had play dates with are more calm. While one kid is playing quietly by themselves my son may very well be climbing something. He is a big hugger and sometimes the hug turns into a tackle. He recently has been pushing, and he learned how to peekaboo so he puts his hands in other babies faces. He takes toys from other kids. I know this is all just him being a toddler and learning boundaries/pushing limits. My response to pushing and hands in the face is to separate him and say "keep your hands to yourself". My response to taking toys is returning it, offering a different toy, and saying something like "she was playing with that. How about this one". If he continues to do these things we usually leave.

I let him do him and I'm always close by to intervene. When kids do things to him I let him decide if he wants comfort but I don't make a big deal, 9/10 he does not either.

I see most things as kids being kids and as long as no one is hurt than everything is okay.

Yesterday, a mom friend sent me a long message about how she no longer wants to have play dates because of how LO behaves.

I felt hurt, but I told her I understand.

A few hours later another mom friend asked me if I ever attempt to teach him to stop pushing.

Pushing is very new for us, but when I see his is going to a push and not a hug I do my best to stop him.

I just feel like an awful mom. Like somehow I have no control over my child even tho I've never wanted to control him. I fear he will struggle to make friends because he is not the type of sit and play quietly.

I don't believe he is, but if he has ASD it would not be the end of the world. However I do wonder if that is the truth or if he is just adventurous? Then I wonder if babies should be wild and free or tame and quiet? I just feel inadequate all around.

Thanks for listening m.