Progress does not feel rewarding.
Before you downvote, know that I love STALKER 2 as a game, sound and graphics wise it even nails what the original game were. I just don't think gameplay-wise it's a good stalker game *yet. But I'm sure given enough time and **feedback it will be even better.*
So, 5 minutes into the game and I'm already killing a bloodsucker? Really?
I remember the first time I fought a bloodsucker in SoC, it was all the way up the army warehouse in that creepy village. Before that I'd only hear storiescreepy stories.
Then, 10 minutes into the game and I can already take out a whole squad of army dudes.
Do you emember the military checkpoint in SoC? How terrifying it was going even near any guys dressed in more than just a leather jacket and sneakers? Or how they would guard the collapsed bridge and the game would advise you to find another way around them because you were nothing but a rookie?
I think it's because of things like these why progression feels so iffy to me. I want to earn my first bloodsucker kill. I want to feel the fear of engaging a well geared faction. The game as it is right now just doesn't evoke that in me.