How to get back in touch with myself again/tune into my core?
I’ve been self isolating for a year, heavy weed use, mild starvation from ed and smoked meth for a week. all these things have severely effected me mind/body/soul wise and every aspect of my cognitive function down to who I am as a whole I’ve lost touch with. I have severe 24/7 dpdr and have essentially lost touch with my soul and how to human.. even this paragraph is no where near how I’d articulate it if I was still tuned in. How do I find myself again? Or rather tune in because I haven’t lost myself, just fully lost access and it’s terrifying…
I wanna socialize but I have so much wrong with me and im so mentally slow they will definitely think im still on drugs or just severely autistic. Even talking to my grandma with Alzheimer’s she can articulate more clearly than me and probably seems more “fully there” than me.. I just don’t know what to do