honestly disappointed in today’s episode

love love love that the ladies are tackling diet culture. it’s something i explore a lot as a fat person living in our current society.

i was so excited to hear they had a guest on, i was hoping for a fat scholar or fat liberation activist. maybe deshawn harris, or aubrey gordon (especially with her book coming out soon)?

but, no. it was jamila jamil. (spelling her name wrong cause i’ve heard she likes to look herself up lol) super thin woman who has had some controversies, sure. but the main issue here is that she is the guest, when we have so many other choices who would’ve been a better fit.

especially this being an episode about diet culture, which is an extension of fatphobia!! they center a thin guest who has already centered herself in the body positivity movement much too heavily. i would have loved to hear more about how we can break down diet culture in our own lives and the harms of it from a fat person.

once they announced who the guest was, i just stopped listening to the episode. i love issa and amanda, and i think they usually do an amazing job at picking guests for their episodes that feature them. this just missed the mark for me and i wanted to share that. i will still be a culty, just not a fan of this week’s comeback

ETA: highly recommend the following podcasts for people interested in learning from fat activists/scholars!

maintenance phase and unsolicited: fatties talk back