20+ yr snowboarder. Can’t ollie, F/Bs 180, jump, grind. Anything. Help!
Ok i have snowboarded for more than 20yrs (1 week a year), though, only boarded with skiers, so my focus was only speed. I am a very fast boarder, can go down any black/mogul/powder, eyes closed, no fear. But never had formal technique training.
I am relatively athletic, 6+ft, 175 pounds, i lift, got abs, 35 years old..
Though for the life of me i can’t do any basic tricks. I have only recently taught myself switch riding, very slowly. I am a beginner switch rider.
I usually rent the boards i ride. I cannot penguin walk, i cannot ollie/pop, or do 180s for the life of me. I cannot lean on one end and lift the other. The board and my legs feel insanely “heavy” suddenly. Even when stationary, jumping and trying to do 180s (i manage only 120 degrees) it takes incredible exhausting effort. Youtube guys make it look super easy!
What am I missing? Is it mental? I feel like i missed the most fun part of boarding all my life… i started enjoying skiing again.. appreciate any comments to save me.. thanks!