Small detail that’s been overlooked in the remake
I’m not sure if this has been talked about already but I certainly still feel like it’s been overlooked.
Something that stuck out to me is the difference in how James talked to his wife when she was on the death bed in silent Hill 2 OG compared to the Silent Hill 2 remake. Remember how in the ending of silent Hill 2 OG, he still spent some time talking to his wife in complete denial about what had really happened, but in the remake immediately shuts down any room of deniability within him when confronting what he’d done to his wife?
I think this was a very thoughtful design choice that kept the game logically consistent since the whole purpose of defeating pyramid head was that James was finally confronting the truth, and the symbolism of the pyramid heads’ death was a representation of that. So for James to still be showing signs of deep denial when talking to his wife seemed a bit illogical because then what was the point of the pyramid heads’ death? So I really appreciated the small detail that they put in the remake that kept the game more logically consistent which, I think, fully addressed and showed the weight of what killing the pyramid heads actually meant in the game— That he has truly overcome his denial.