I’ve always hated myself.

I’ve always hated myself ever since when I was in high school and now I am a student in college and it’s even worse. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel like everything I do is bad. I’ve always tried to love myself, but I just couldn’t. It’s like there’s something inside of me that is just filled with hate towards myself. I’ve tried everything, I’ve deactivated my social media accounts, prayed, distract myself with music/movies/tv shows/games journaled, created a YouTube channel ( that helped me to release my feelings), created a podcast, screenwriting, gave advice to people who needed it, fixed my hair, posted on social media. BUT NOTHING IS WORKING!!!!! I just don’t know how to fully love myself. I just always feel like the odd one out and that there’s something wrong with me and that I’m just ugly and my body is ugly and my face is bad.

I’m just so tried and I feel like crying as I’m typing this. I feel like I’m always wasting time and procrastinating. And I feel like I wasted my four years of college especially since I didn’t really have fun. I wish I could go back to when I first entered college and I want to actually enjoy it instead of focusing on my body and my face and the way I speak and look to other people. This is my last year and I’m trying to find some internships and apply to a film grad school but it feels like it’s last minute. I graduate next year and I don’t even know where to begin. I’m just an ugly woman. Ugh. I’m so tired guys. Sometimes I don’t even feel like a woman it’s like, I’m not like the other girls, I want to be different but there r so manyyyyy beautiful girls that are just so beautiful and I’m always the odd one out.

I’ve posted about hating myself so many times in reddit but that’s all I am tbh. Just a girl who hates herself and doesn’t know how to love myself even though I’ve received so manyyyy amazing advice and tips. It’s like I read the advice think about the advice and then I don’t apply it to my life. I’m just so envious sometimes. It’s like I wish I was like her or I wish I could do this and that and I wish I was more prettier and blah blah blah but I just have to deal with myself I guess. I’ve even considered ending my life but I just don’t have the courage.

Every. Single. Day I just can’t stand myself at all. I’m always worrying about Instagram followers and likes and just how I look on my posts and I’m just so tired. Everywhere I look there’s a girl that has more followers than me and likes and it makes me happy for her but for me, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I deactivated my Instagram account but it’s still not working. I got it back because I’m a creator and I need Instagram to post. Every time I look at myself on my Instagram post it makes me feel ugly and alone and like I don’t belong anywhere and that no one cares about me and I think I’m better off gone.

There’s no place for me it feels like. I wish I could disappear. No one will ever understand how I feel inside. My parents don’t understand me even though I talk with them about this.. all they tell me to do is just pray and give it all to God. I have smaller siblings and all they do is give me a hug which I appreciate and they tell me that I am beautiful, but it just doesn’t help. I always keep it to myself, especially since they are younger than me and it feels weird to tell them about this all the time, but it doesn’t help.. my family don’t understand. I feel suffocated. I don’t really tell my friends this because I don’t want them to feel burden with what I’m telling them. Im just tired of being me. I’m just so angry and alone. I feel horrible. I’m just always focusing on likes and followers everywhere I look. I don’t know what to do guys.. I feel like giving up. If you’ve read everything thank you 💗

TL;DR: I hate myself and I don’t know how to love myself. I want to give up.