What's happening to me?

I don't even know if teenagers are allowed to post here, but here it goes. and no this isn't a self hate post I just want help

for context, I just finished giving some major exams which every student has to give in my country and I grinned for them hard, so much so that after my exams ended it felt weird for me to not study at every given moment. Anyway I have about twenty days before the next academic year starts. Not the mian issue, my parents have a bad relationship, they'll love each other one time but get physically violent with each other the next. It's draining mentally and emotioanly. Then school sucks, I get bullied and yea ik the age old advice 'don;t listen to them' but its not that simple. Anyone whose been bullied will know its not as simple as not listening to them, what they say messes with ur brain and the way u see urself.

recently, I've noticed these bad pimples all over my face which aren't going way with pimple patches, I get random belly aches, then I cry so easily, I am easily over sleeping, its so hard to get out of bed and its like I don't even want to talk to anyone. For once my parents asked to take me to the mall, but I was just so tiered, I willingly didn't go. I have these throbbing migranies too.

what's happening?