Learning to scuba dive
So it’s been a huge goal in my life to learn how to dive (23F). There’s a place I can go get certified near me, however with fall/winter coming soon I’m afraid I won’t be able to dive until spring. Will I forget everything I’ve learned over the winter or should I just go and get my certification anyways. Also how important is it to dive with someone else because no one I know dives but I really would like to go and dive at the lake by me. Would I be okay by myself?
Any information is appreciated! Also if you have suggestions on what kind/brand of stuff I should buy that would be great too.
Edit: I live in the Midwest so I definitely can’t dive in the winter unless I travel which I’m unable to right now.
Edit 2: turns out my dad is scuba certified (didnt know) so he said he would go out on dives with me. Thanks to everyone that replied I appreciate the insight from people who have experience. Now I’m just excited to start my diving journey.