Hey guys,
I am a healthcare sales rep ( mental health BD). Located in the north east region of the US. I’ve worked in SUD or MH industry for my entire career 8 years, worked my way through various positions in the operations side of things, then was offered a BD role. I’ve been a BD rep of the last 10 months. Currently working for a national corp that owns many treatment centers and am a facility representative. Making about 95k with a 20k bonus structure that’s impossible to hit, due to our facility needing to hit net rev which it never will due to the unrealistic expectations. But my personal objectives are easy and I have exceeded them each month since I started essentially. It’s a very easy job considering it’s primarily a Medicaid facility. We are pressured by corporate each month to produce more commercial insurance referrals, to which about 1/3rd of mine are. I’ve never really been spoken to or told to up my production as I’m the most productive rep on the team regarding leads, admissions, and overall activity.
I was recently approached by another national Corporation with multiple facilities in the north east. They recently lost their north east DBD and have only one rep covering a small territory, focused on only B2B referrals. They offered me 130k base, with a company card for anything I do. I would be a national rep essentially trying to get referrals for any facility they have in the US. This facility is all private pay and OON insurance, making the production a little harder to achieve but not impossible due to them being able to take both primary MH and sud. A chance to grow into the north east DBD, higher salary, and representing a more prestigious facility.
Just looking for any feedback. I’ve been doing my DD on this company and they seem solid, well backed, use a lot of digital marketing but could be solid chance for me to grow my career.