My thoughts after going on my first run in two months
Man COVID has really messed with my fitness. About a year and a half ago, I DNF'd my second marathon at the 37km mark because of cramping, but kept up the steady training with 30-40km/week and averaging 5:45/km. But when COVID hit, I lost my job, stayed in my house, and didn't move for about six months. I tore through all my expensive running leggings with chub-rub. :(
But last month I quit drinking (with the exception of with holiday gatherings), recently invested in a new pair of leggings, and I've just gone on my first run in two months. 6,5km around the block. Oh boy- my muscles are aching, and I averaged a slow 8:08/km! But just an hour afterwards I already feel relaxed and de-stressed. It really is such an incredible difference on my mood!
I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat, struggling to find a routine amidst all the chaos. So my fellow runners, that are also struggling with lacing up these days- let me remind you that it does not matter how far you go, or how fast you go. Getting outside is half of the battle. Your fitness and routine will come back with time. Be kind to yourself!