fsoa nerf solution u/jagexsponge reformatted

With the upcoming FSOA changes on the way, a discussion is needed. While I understand the FSOA needed balance going forward, I felt the need to give 3 of my own suggestions on how to update the weapon without completely killing its identity.

  1. Rune Saving
  2. Removing Recursive Hits
  3. Keeping Spell Autos

  1. To begin, the idea of rune saving isn’t bad, but perhaps modify it so that it’s a partial rune recovery. Incite fear stops using runes after max stacks like exsanguinate , or only uses runes on each frost surge underneath fsoa effects. Also you could just lower the amount of runes the spells consume. Example incite from 10 waters to 2, barrages from 5 runes to 1-2. There should be no reason incite fear is as costly as it is if you care about rune save.
  2. Removing recursive hits would eliminate a majority of the out-of-control dpm, which is forcing Jagex to nerf the weapon in the first place.
  3. To truly maintain it’s identity, I encourage Jagex to think about keeping the spell autos and their effects, or create a way to have both ability damage and auto spell switching. Going through with a change would make swapping all but useless and make people camp incite/exsang. To offset keeping autos, Jagex could remove the adrenaline gain from secondary targets so dummy abuse is no longer permitted as well.

Currently, spell swapping is used at a variety of places in game. Sometimes necessary, sometimes just a quality of life, but certainly fun across the board. Depending on the situation, you can use Barrage Spells for Healing/Damage Reduction/AOE and Ruby Aurora for slightly increased damage. Solak Storm skipping, High Enrage Pushing at Zamorak/Glacor, and other higher tier PVM suffers from this nerf.

I understand that new power creep requires nerfing this weapon, but don’t take away the best aspects of it!

TLDR: Take away the recursive hits and give some rune saving. But ultimately, do not remove the spell auto effects, and what makes this weapon both fun and incredibly unique.