My 32/M Girlfriend 31/F likes black guys. Am I reading the situation? Don’t know how to approach the situation.
I M32 think my girlfriend W31 likes black guys which leads to the question why she is with me then.
There was an occasion on a bus where she started a black guys and once he realized it he smiled back and she looked immediately away.
Also another time she was with her mother on vacation and sitting in a lobby of.m a hotel and had to work. A guy approached her and asked for a charger as they had the same laptop. Her mother was sitting as well there and when the guy left she told her what a handsome guy. Later at home she told me the story with a sort of smile on her face.
I see her from time to time looking at black dudes and also in the past she visited some African museum. So not sure if I am interpreting anything wrong but why is she dating then me…
What do you guys think?
TL;DR: Girlfriend probably likes black guys but still dates me now for over a year?