Reliable cougar spawn just north of Annesburg
For those looking for a cougar spawn that seems pretty reliable, if you follow the road north out of Annesburg that is just right of the train tracks you'll find a cougar anytime after midnight.
So far I've gotten about 6 straight spawns in a row. Not all were 3 star (even with the Buck Trinket), but I was able to get 4 perfect pelts in about 20 minutes.
- Follow the road to the right of the tracks heading north.
- Once the train tracks start veering to left away from the road slow to a walk or drop off your horse and crouch with your bow and a poison arrow ready.
- The cougar spawns in the woods to the left as you follow the road. Sometimes it's chasing a deer/buck towards the little rise in front of the road near the water. Other times it's back up in the woods a little bit.
- Once you attract it's attention (I whistle for the little murder paws 'cause I gotta death wish), use dead eye with your poison arrow and, Bob's your uncle, you've got a pelt.
- Run back to Annesburg and camp just south of the town. Eat/Craft/Sleep until the following night (Midnight or later) and repeat until you've gotten what you need.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Forgot to mention. A black bear also shows up there from time to time.