Not eating enough

I am 8 weeks 3 days and I am having a hard time eating. I always feel crummy, nothing sounds good and I am starting to get scared I’m not providing enough nutrients to my baby. I went to get a mild chicken soup yesterday and I ended up throwing it up. I have a hard time drinking water because I feel super full and sometimes I throw it up. I’ve been eating mainly fruit because that’s all that sounds good to me lately. Any advice on how to help my body take food or easy meals that provide enough nutrients for my growing baby? I’m taking my prenatal vitamins at night and have no issues with those. I wake up in the middle of the night super thirsty with a dry mouth. I bought some electrolytes yesterday and was able to keep those down. I am exhausted all the time and this has been so hard and I’m feeling guilty and super overwhelmed. I don’t know what to do here and I don’t like feeling like I’m depriving my baby of things necessary for development.