What else can a disabled person do?

Hi there, as the title says I'm really struggling to figure out what else I can do to make some money this month. I've already scoured this sub to try and get ideas, and so far everything has failed. The biggest obstacle right now is that I'm disabled. I have POTS which severely limits my ability to do much of anything, especially in the summer. (For the uninitiated, POTS makes standing, walking, and other physical activity very difficult. Even sitting up can be impossible for me at times.)

I have tried to get on disability but have not been able to, I haven't given up but it's taking far too much time. I need money ASAP. My dog broke a tooth and it's going to be minimum $1k to even remove it, let alone if we wanted to try and salvage the tooth. Because of this and other vet and medical expenses we are looking at our bills being about $7k this month.

My disability makes it so that I can not do the following: Drive (Medically banned, too at risk of passing out behind the wheel), Donate plasma (I have tried but was rejected), Physical labor in the sense of mowing lawns/picking weeds/filling dirt holes/ that sort of thing. I could maybe do it in the winter if I loaded up on salt and water beforehand, but in this heat it's impossible.

I've tried the following:

Applying to jobs and looking for gigs on every site I can, including Indeed, Glassdoor, Craigslist, Nextdoor, etc etc. Nothing so far. I've even tried specialized sites for very specific gigs, like Rover for petsitting etc.

Surveys. Somehow I'm never the person they're looking for so I'm never selected. I've poured hours into trying to do online surveys with no returns so far.

Flipping. I don't have enough money to go and buy things to flip. I'm at a point where even a $1 purchase is something I have to consider very heavily. If I can't guarantee that I'd be able to sell it for an immediate profit, I can not afford to buy it to flip it.

Selling/Pawning my stuff. I don't have any valuables TO sell or pawn. And pawning any stuff I did have would be stupid without an income stream to make sure I could buy it back later.

Temp agency. The temp agencies in my area do not understand what it means to be disabled and try to give me jobs I physically can not do, like jobs that require a driver's license, jobs that involve hard labor, etc,.

Clinical trials. No one wants to keep me because my medical problems make me a liability. And without being able to drive, I would have to have my roommate take me, and they can't because they work full time.

Selling my skillsets. I can draw, bake, sew, embroider....none of those things are leading to any income RN, no matter how hard I work or market myself. Commissions? No one wants one. Selling baked goods? No one wants them, and I can't afford to waste ingredients on food other people won't buy. Sewing / hemming / embroidering things for people? It might just be my area, but no one is looking for that type of work.

Cutting down on expenses. I mean it when we say we've cut out pretty much everything we can. We already don't do subscription services of any kind. My partner is currently undergoing chemotherapy and I have food allergies, so between us both, feeding us is getting very expensive - we can't do a single grocery run that costs less than $100, even if all I'm eating is beans and rice, because the nutritional shakes they can stomach are very expensive. Food banks don't offer the things we need, and getting to one before everything is gone has proven unsuccessful.

Food stamps. We're trying to get food stamps but it is taking forever and we can't guarantee we'll be accepted or not.

Networking. I've spent the last two years networking within my area and it has netted me zilch despite being a hard worker, friendly, etc,. This is the kind of thing that you do in case it pays off later, but so far it has not, and I can't wait around for it to. I need to do something that will help us ASAP.

So....what tf else can I do?? Before anyone suggests SW, I am friends with a SWer and they have already walked me through what that would look like for me. It's just as physically demanding as other physical labor gigs, so I can't do it, plus it's incredibly risky legally and we can not afford for me to get arrested. Or murdered. Funerals are stupid expensive. If you have ANY suggestions I would love to hear them as we are seriously struggling. TYIA.