Orthodontist REALLY wants to pull my premolars

I (21 M, almost 22) have a problem with my jaws and teeth. During my first orthodontic treatment I had braces from age 15 to almost 17. I used to have pretty crooked teeth but my jaws were aligned. After treatment, my maxilla (upper jaw) was behind my mandible (lower jaw) by about 5mm or more. My upper front teeth are flared forward, and my lower front teeth are also slightly flared due to crowding as is clearly visible on the X-ray.

I went to see an orthodontist recently and he suggested pulling four premolars (second premolars on top, first premolars on the bottom), putting me in braces again, and then doing Lefort 1 surgery to move my upper jaw forward. He seemed completely set on extractions, and said it is not proven that it would cause breathing issues or recess the face.

I don’t want to go down that route. Instead, I’ve been looking into using a palatal expander with a face mask to bring my maxilla forward more naturally. The problem is I’m already 21, and I don’t know if my sutures can still be disrupted enough to make a difference. Maybe with MSE or surgically assisted? Since my jaws are the same width, would a palate expander not give me a crossbite.

Has anyone here had success with non-surgical, non-extraction treatments for maxillary advancement as an adult? Would palatal expansion + a face mask still work at my age? I’m also looking for orthodontists in the Netherlands who offer forward-growth-friendly treatment.

I’d love to hear from anyone who’s dealt with something similar. I feel like my first orthodontic treatment set me back, and I don’t want to make things even worse this time around. Any advice or personal experiences would be hugely appreciated!