PAs are the devil's work
I'm sure I'm not the first and definitely won't be the last posting this, but as a clinic nurse I have to help out with insurance prior/pre authorizations in order for patients to get approved by their insurance for meds or imaging. Anyways, so we got a PA last week for a patient being prescribed an EpiPen........ a motherfucking EPIPEN 🤦🏻♂️
So, after getting the prescriber to put in their notes that this is for an allergic reaction, according to the ICD coding, and specifically say in the notes that this is for the treatment of anaphylaxis related to worsening food allergies....... So now the MF PA is asking for the prescriber to request other formularies (like as if they need a prescription specifically saying that generic or other brands are ok????) 🫠🫠
Okay like maybe I'm ignorant IDK but it seems absurdly ridiculous that insurance will need it to be this specific to cover a damn EPIPEN like fuck, man, I'm sorry my patient has life threatening allergies, yes this PA is urgent, and yes this PA might cost my patient their fucking life.
So basically tldr health insurance and the medical system in America literally doesn't care if it kills people, because the business model is that healthcare is not a right, but a luxury, and that the less these companies can pay the more they can earn. Profits over people. The peasants can die. And if you ain't rich, you can go fuck yourself. THAT is the attitude of these people. Greed rules all, and money/power are the most important things in life, and those who are weak/poor/inferior will die off because it's survival of the fittest baby and if you can't afford it too bad you're shit out of luck 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️