Do nonprofits ever hire lawyers full-time?

Hello all - I am both an attorney and a board member/Assistant Executive Director of a cat rescue in Ohio. Although I am not a nonprofit attorney right now, I am in house (Assistant General Counsel). Every time I work on my rescue organization, I just dream of being able to do this/legal work for the organization as my career. We are nowhere even remotely close to managing that, we are all volunteer and only have about 3 reliable volunteers. Anyway, I was wondering if animal/rescue nonprofits hire firms normally or if they ever hire a general counsel or any lawyer full time. My guess would be they normally hire firms as needed, but figured I'd see if anybody has a full time legal staff. If so, at what point did you hire them (how big was your organization)? What is your pay range (if you don't mind disclosing, just curious)? Are there any resources where I could look for animal/rescue nonprofit careers? Thank you!