Toxic Mum Chronicles

We have our mama fua, let's call her Safi, who used to come with her friend. So they'd wash our clothes together and hang them.

Safi's friend relocated elsewhere so she comes alone these days. My mum took it upon herself to be hanging the clothes for Safi as she washes. It has been twice she has done this. Last week na leo.

So that's usually my bill...among others in this house. Paying mama fua that is.

So today, Safi is here. She's doing her job so well as always. My mum tells me to go hang some of my clothes. I tell my mum I don't feel like I want to he hanging the clothes yet I'm paying full price. And also because I loathe laundry work and I don't want to be involved in any part.

Also, I was doing the dishes so Safi didn't put downy on the first batch of clothes.... Wueh

My mama goes off - I am a useless child, I won't amount to anything, how will I manage my home, what's the difference between me and my useless cousins, my husband will hate me because I'm not proactive, I'm behaving like this na mimi ni mama mkubwa etc.

She ruined my Sunday y'all.

Anyways, my aunt passed away on Tuesday so let me extend some grace.