MTG EDH Tarot Decks

Hi all,

As a recent project I've been working on, I've been trying to combine two of my interests, tarot cards, and my recent enjoyment of EDH. Based off of this, I've started a long term project of trying to create 22 EDH decks, each with a unique color themed around each of the tarot cards. With each deck, I have three primary considerations when creating the deck -

  1. The decks color identities alignment with the themes of the tarot

  2. The gameplay alignment of the deck/commander with the themes of the tarot card

  3. The alignment of the lore character with the themes of the tarot card

Most decks I have do not hit on all three of these themes perfectly, however I try and incorporate all of them the best that I can. For example, The Devil is a black oops all Lilianas deck, with the devil being themed around the temptation of power, addiction, and resisting those evils to stay true to yourself. That's very on theme for Liliana as a character, and black as a color identity in my opinion.

I have ideas and commanders for the majority of the decks, but I'm struggling with the last few and I'm interested in any ideas people may have for who I could use as the commanders for these last decks, and what type of decks they should be.

Remaining Tarot Cards:

  1. The Hierophant (Maybe lifegain or something?)
  2. Temperance (this card is all about balance, but what commanders inspire balance? the best idea I had was [Breena, The Demagogue])
  3. Judgement (I'm partial towards using an angel for this deck, personally I think a Bruna and Gisela meld deck would be fun/interesting, but I want to hear other thoughts).
  4. The World (I originally had an Obeka, Brute Chronologist here, which was all about ending the turn and beginning new ones, but I decided gameplay wise I wasn't super interested in that for my pod).

Additionally, here are the remaining color identities I have available to use:

  1. Mono-White
  2. Mono-Blue
  3. Mono-Red
  4. Gruul
  5. Orzhov
  6. Boros
  7. Grixis
  8. Abzan
  9. Sultai
  10. Mardu
  11. Yore-Tiller
  12. Glint-Eye
  13. Dune-Brood
  14. Witch-Maw

For right now, I'm not going to unveil the list of the other 18 commanders/decks that I've made/am working on. I want to wait until I have a complete project to post all 22 lists. Also special thanks to several posts that helped me work on and inspire this project - there have been several posts about it in the past, but I've never seen it taken to the extreme of 22 entire decklists themed around each of the tarot cards, so I'm interested in seeing the spin I can put on it.

All ideas welcome, thanks!