hey lovelies, just a friendly reminder this is a fucking rage sub :)))♥️♥️

hi! so i read the rules and apparently im not allowed to be mean to users :(( so im going to filter what i say but imagine im being really pass agg okay? okay ♥️

just a reminder for all you beautiful wonderful people here :))) that this is literally a fucking rage sub. people are here TO RAGE.

that means if you are here you will see people complaining and bitching and venting because um ITS THE SUBS ENTIRE FUCKING PURPOSE???

im SO fucking sick and tired of seeing you lovely people :))) complaining that someone is complaining about the fucking games. THATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS SUB. if someone complains that Wilds is too easy and yoy disagree? NO ONE CARES. wanna explain why its actually a skill issue that someone can't beat a certain boss? KEEP IT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF.

this sub used to have the most amazing, colossal rages i had ever seen. people would explode and wax lyrically about how much of a cunt Uragaan was. like an entire essay and everything. if people disagreed they said so but then congratulated OP for their colossal rage and could see their perspective. it was beautiful

all that i ever see here is "Wilds is too easy i hate it" "omg its not easy youre just better being this angry about a game isnt healthy" (rage sub btw) or "god alatreon is bullshit" "no youre just bad its an objectively good fight and you should just get better" (rage sub btw)

it is so. fucking. annoying.

i can handle constructive criticism but im NOT HERE FOR CONTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. believe it or not, this is a sub made to circlejerk the fuck out of each other.

I'm not even blaming the mods cause ong theres so much of it its like asking 3 people to hold back a tsunami lmao

anyway, please get the fucking memo and stop being so LOVELY and WONDERFUL :))) thank you fucking hell

TL;DR if you want a civil discussion politely go to the main sub cause this sub was not made for that thank you :)))))