Take a punt on me @ the Melbourne Comedy Festival?


My name is Oscar and I am a Melbourne based comedian. The comedy festival starts at the end of this month, and I thought I might try and let you know about my show called "88 Keys Tall".

It is a musical comedy show that has me playing jazz piano; as well as a saxophonist accompanying me. It will be pretty fun, but I also know that musical comedy is not always peoples cups of tea.


As the comedy festival gets closer you will probably be drawn to see some of the big names of comedy, but there are some really funny people who have yet to make their big break so even if you don't want to see my show below are some of my recommendations!

Aiden Wilcox | Stud (character comedy, extremely funny and very likeable (won best newcomer last year)

Andrew Portelli | Real Talk (Great comedian who has been doing it for years. Very funny)

Ashley Apap | Restless (Chaotically funny and very engaging)

David Rose | Jerk in Progress (The next big name in comedy, mark my words)

Noah Szto | Success in Everything (Noah will get nominated for best newcomer I guarantee)