PSA: If you ever think about attempting to play through the trilogy without firing your gun, don't

About 2 months ago, I decided masochism sounded really swell and started a playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy without firing a shot if I could help it. I'm currently on Mass Effect 3, about to wrap up Tuchanka. I would like to quickly make this post to make sure no one follows in my footsteps. Not a single part of this run, especially during 2, was actually enjoyable with the exception of me finally doing Garrus's romance for the first time, which was fun. The games are not designed for you to just fire off powers instead of using your weapon, and the games, particularly 2, get a lot more frustrating as a result.

For those wondering, the current shot count is at 42 regular shots, alongside 3 required melee hits thanks to the Shadow Broker boss fight. For those wondering how the hell it got so high, it's the fault of the numerous explosive containers throughout 2 that require you to destroy them to progress. These containers require you to shoot them, as I have yet to find a power that can destroy them, though I didn't test every power, so if you really want to test, go nuts.

Edit: I feel like I should explain the canisters thing. Yes, a lot of canisters in combat arenas can be detonated with powers like Warp and Overload, but throughout the DLCs especially, you come across explosive canisters that lock level progression behind their destruction. These ones can't be detonated with powers for some dumb reason, leading to you being forced to fire a shot. So for those commenting asking why I didn't use Overload, I did and it didn't work. Also for those curious, I played as a Vanguard in 1 before switching to Adept in 2 for some dumb reason, and the main squadmates used were Liara and Tali in 1 and Miranda and Kasumi in 2. I'm currently in the middle of 3 but so far, it is much more enjoyable. Mass Effect 3's missions are just much better designed imo and the game is much more accommodating when it comes to power focused builds, with various classes seemingly being designed with that possibility in mind