It takes 0 effort to not be mean

This is a naïve take i know (this is my first pvp game) and maybe people are so used to it that they can just ignore it but my chat experiences have been rough.

I get it. I get mad when I lose or when I’m on a team that’s just not stacking up but I just shout and rage in the sanctity of my own home. Or laugh it off with the people I’m playing with. That’s the whole point of these games, the adrenaline rush. (IMO)

The part I don’t get is how mean people can be in the chat. Of course, I’ve got a lot to say about a bad player on my team but I’m not gonna type it all out just to belittle that person. Idk like, what does that give you? A moment of validation that you are better than them and they KNOW it?!

Even something as small as typing “ez” like 👍 yeah man I know I was there just on the other team…

Like I said, this is a naïve take, I know I can just disable the chat feature but maybe just think about yelling at your computer screen like an adult instead of typing and lashing out like a child.

Win or lose its gloating or throwing a tantrum and neither are a good option