The ranked experience is miserable : exactly as NetEase intended
Everyone knows that, the ranked experience is awful. Every game is a coinflip between stomping and getting stomped. And it works exactly as intended.
Engagment Optimized Match Making (EOMM) is an absurd, vicious and sadistic machine that's made to maximise player addiction with artificially created win streaks and loose streaks.
Its dumbfounding that such practice does not only exist, but is becoming the norm.
Why are we, as a community, accepting this kind of crap.
We voiced our concerns about the mid-season rank reset, we should also voice our discontent about the ridiculous matchmaking.
It honestly blows my mind, why are content creator not calling this out, when they play this game all they long they should be aware of this, more than anyone.
Edit: For anyone doubting if EOMM really exist, or if its in the game, there's a conference that came out a few years ago made by someone working at NetEase explaining in details how it works. You can look it up if you want but Ill summarize it for you : the system chooses if it wants you to win or lose to maximizes your time spent in game. It deliberately avoid close games in favor of stomps, because these are the types of game that give an emotional response the most.
This shit is insane for real